K-Y's Top 5 Sex Tips for Couples

K-Y's Top 5 Sex Tips for Couples

Even the healthiest relationships can experience a sex lulls. Although we may feel that our hot and steamy honeymoon phase is behind us, it’s not impossible to get back into it! 

With a little extra effort, couples are capable of building anticipation, exploring new sexual fantasies, and unlocking the doors to a more riveting sex life. 

Read on and explore K-Y’s top 5 sex tips to help you spice up your intimate experiences and discover a more satisfying romantic relationship with your partner.

1. Make foreplay a priority

Foreplay is a very important and often overlooked aspect of our sex life as our relationships mature. These acts of both emotional and physical intimacy between two people can help stimulate sexual tension, build arousal, and prepare the body for intercourse. 

As a great way to build anticipation, foreplay can be anything that helps turn your partner on – from a sexy text message to a strip tease; a sensual massage to vibrators or other sex toys. No matter what kind of foreplay you and your partner prefer exploring, never underestimate the power it has both inside and outside of the bedroom.

2. Explore the Coital Alignment Technique

The Coital Alignment Technique, or CAT position, is a sex position that helps stimulate the external clitoris during vaginal penetration. When done correctly, it’s can be the ultimate sexual experience with the utmost intense pleasure. 

This position is similar to the missionary style, only with less thrusting and more grinding. In this position, the vagina owner will tilt their hips up slightly as their partner rocks hips in an upward and downward pattern. The vagina owner can also wrap their legs around their partner’s waist, creating a seal between their hips to sync into a smooth and titillating rocking motion.

3. Be generous with your lube

What would a list of great sex tips be without lube? For couples who are looking to explore new sensations, or increase stimulation during penetration, lube is the way to go!

Although it’s natural for females to self-lubricate, an extra drop or lube can take things up a notch. When applied directly to the genitals, lube for couples helps make sex feel more natural which helps to boost intimacy and deepen emotional connection during intercourse. 

For the ultimate wet sensation, try our K-Y® LUBRICANT Naturals® Moisture+ Intimate Gel. This incredible lube features the most natural feel for your everyday pleasure. This lube type also contains a healthy dose of hyaluronic acid for longer-lasting moisture to make every intimate moment smoother and more comfortable. 

*Ensure this product is right for you. Always read and follow the product label before use.

4. Role Play with Your Partner

Depending on your comfort levels with your partner, role play can make for a new and exciting experience for you both. With a little imagination, there are endless opportunities to explore the world of role play to help inspire greater intimacy, arousal, and sexual satisfaction within your relationship. 

Role playing can be a ton of fun, so long as you both communicate your desires, boundaries, and expectations in advance. Whether you meet at a bar and roleplay your first date or dress up as your sexiest fantasies , the options are truly endless.

5. Tease them 

Sexual teasing is a thrilling experience for everyone involved. The intention of teasing is to frustrate or cause tension between you and your partner by using intimate acts or gestures to entice them sexually. The anticipation can have a very similar effect as physical foreplay. 

The next time you’re ready to get busy in the bedroom, try to tease your partner by making them beg for you. This can be done by doing a striptease, kissing their thighs or stomach, and even pulling away after a passionate makeout. Not only will their sex drive be out of this world, but you’ll have more power to embrace a deep connection together as you explore each other’s bodies later that evening.

The Bottom Line

Hitting a dry spell in your sex life can be challenging. No matter if you’ve been with your partner for a few months or several years, there are plenty of ways you can explore new ways to pleasure, thrill, and excite your partner to help reinvigorate your sex life for years to come.

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